Sentence example with the word 'palpitating'


Definition adj. having a slight and rapid trembling motion

Last update: February 25, 2016


But in reading all the accounts of Mme de Stael's life which come from herself or her intimate friends, it must be carefully remembered that she was the most distinguished and characteristic product of the period of sensibilite - the singular fashion of ultra-sentiment which required that both men and women, but especially women, should be always palpitating with excitement, steeped in melancholy, or dissolved in tears.   [Please select]


She a fair young creature of eighteen, I a palpitating youth of thirty-five.   [Please select]


Then, with a palpitating heart, he ascended alone the bare mountain-top.   [Please select]


Jean's palpitating, hot body suddenly stretched still and cold with intensity of shock.   [Please select]


The staring eye, the palpitating heart, the aching head, were successive stages in the doom of many.   [Please select]


The end of the abdomen, continually palpitating, rapidly closing and opening its valves, oscillates right and left like a pendulum.   [Please select]


In a few minutes the procession is reduced to a few shreds of still palpitating flesh.   [Please select]


Dinah lay across his breast in palpitating submission to his will.   [Please select]


Nay, the whole heart of the universe became one great, palpitating, beautiful thing, an instrument from whose trembling strings was drawn out the music of Orpheus.   [Please select]


The priests were ferocious creatures, whose long black locks, never combed, were matted with blood, as they sacrificed to their awful war-god human hearts, still palpitating, torn from the victims a moment since alive.   [Please select]

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palpitates - palpitating - palpitation