Sentence example with the word 'palmyra'


Definition n. tall fan palm of Africa and India and Malaysia yielding a hard wood and sweet sap that is a source of palm wine and sugar

Last update: July 12, 2015


Here the roads from Damascus, by way of Palmyra, and from Mosul, by way of the Khabur, reach the Euphrates, and here there must always have been a town of considerable commercial and strategic importance.   [Please select]


The Endurance Contest followed the direct road to Rochester, going by way of Port Byron, Lyons, Palmyra, and Pittsford.   [Please select]


Clermont-Ganneau then takes up Aramean antiquities and inscriptions, especially those of Palmyra.   [Please select]


For a brief time under Odenathus, and then under his widow Zenobia, Palmyra was a considerable state, wedged between the two empires.   [Please select]


Out in the desert, Palmyra stood empty and desolate save for a garrison in the castle.   [Please select]


Such was that Odenathus of Palmyra, whose brief career we have noted in chap.   [Please select]


After the destruction of Palmyra, the desert Arabs began to be spoken of in the Roman and Persian records as Saracens.   [Please select]


144); but I am not aware of any crustaceans in the island which ascend the palmyra or feed upon its fruit.   [Please select]


The water routes led by way of the Persian Gulf to the great Syrian cities of Antioch and Palmyra and, by way of the Red Sea, to Alexandria on the Nile.   [Please select]


Joe Railroad some miles west of Palmyra, in Missouri, and I was ordered to proceed with all dispatch to their relief.   [Please select]

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