Sentence example with the word 'palmy'


balmy, blossoming, clear, fair, flourishing, fruiting, halcyon, in good case, prospering, sleek, vigorous

Definition adj. very lively and profitable

Last update: August 19, 2015


British farmers of long experience look back to 1874 as the last of the really good years, and consider that the palmy days of British agriculture began to dwindle at about that time.   [adjective]


The literature that we now call the New Testament held its place because it was regarded as a product of the palmy days of that great movement.   [adjective]


A palmy leisure awaits you in which you will meet many pleasing varieties of diversions.   [Please select]


"Those were palmy days when genius was satisfied with chicken salad and lemonade."   [Please select]


Never, since the palmy days of Greece, had her astonishing language been wielded by such a master.   [Please select]


A condition of subserviency from which it only escaped again for a short time during the palmy days of the eighteenth century.   [Please select]


The land showed the remains of plantations which had flourished there in the palmy days of the island.   [Please select]


It must have been considered rather handsome in its palmy years, and it has been in the Powerson family for generations.   [Please select]


Each one of those coins was more to Bill than a sovereign (usually someone else's sovereign) had been to Lord Loveland in his palmy days.   [Please select]

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palms - palmy - palmyra