Sentence example with the word 'palmettoes'


Last update: August 1, 2015


From the number of palmettoes along the coast South Carolina has become popularly known as the Palmetto state.   [Please select]


Two pale bluish white eggs, generally with brown markings, are laid on the ground under logs, bushes, palmettoes, etc.   [Please select]


I could hear them crashing and plunging through the palmettoes, their loud, eager yells making the whole swamp clamorous with the sound.   [Please select]


Dunwoodie's hounds would have had him down before he touched the palmettoes.   [Please select]


"I belong to Carey, and have been two days among the palmettoes."   [Please select]


The shore was covered with tropical vegetation, including cocoa-nut palms, loaded with fruit, with palmettoes, wild palms, and many plants of which Christy did not even know the names.   [Please select]


"See those huge palmettoes like--like--" "Overgrown cabbages," suggested Peterkin; and he continued, "Observe the quaint originality of form in the body and limbs of that bloated old spider that is crawling up your leg, Ralph."   [Please select]

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palmetto - palmettoes - palmettos