Sentence example with the word 'palliating'


Last update: October 19, 2015


Not the least of the anxieties of the colonial office during this period was the situation in the West Indies, where the canesugar industry was being steadily undermined by the European bounties given to exports of continental beet; and though the government restricted themselves to attempts at removing the bounties by negotiation and to measures for palliating the worst effects in the West Indies, Mr Chamberlain made no secret of his repudiation of the Cobden Club view that retaliation would be contrary to the doctrines of free trade, and he did his utmost to educate public opinion at home into understanding that the responsibilities of the mother country are not merely to be construed according to the selfish interests of a nation of consumers.   [Please select]


It is directed to the palliating circumstances in the actual state of slavery, not to a broad defence of slavery itself.   [Please select]


Since her black hour she had forgotten nothing, allowed herself no palliating moments.   [Please select]


Is there no reward, no means of palliating the injury, and of softening your heart.   [Please select]


Let us not be misunderstood; we are not justifying or even palliating the mother's conduct.   [Please select]


After swallowing the refreshment, and the palliating mouthful of water, he resumed his seat and his narrative.   [Please select]


But one of the forms of unpleasantness most enjoyable to him was the snubbing of any gentle effort at palliating his mood.   [Please select]

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palliates - palliating - palliation