Sentence example with the word 'palliate'


abate, bank the fire, condition, diminish, give relief, lessen, modulate, prettify, set conditions, soften, tune down

Definition v. lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of

Last update: July 3, 2015


Many modern drugs palliate but do not cure illness.   [verb]


In spite of the weak efforts of the British government to palliate the significance of this " untoward incident," Turkey broke off diplomatic relations with the three powers concerned, and on the 10th of December Mahmud, giving full vent to his rage, issued a hatt-i-sherif denouncing the cruelty and perfidy of the Christian powers, declaring the convention of Akkerman null and void, and summoning the faithful to a holy war.   [verb]


Cora remained silent, for she knew not how to palliate this imprudent severity on the part of her father in a manner to suit the comprehension of an Indian.   [verb]


Ratcliffe," answered Miss Vere; "but, excuse me, it by no means emboldens me to visit, at this late hour, a person whose extravagance of imagination you yourself can only palliate.   [verb]


"These are the sentiments," said Morton, "that your enemies impute to you, and which palliate, if they do not vindicate, the cruel measures which the council have directed against you."   [verb]


In spite of the weak efforts of the British government to palliate the significance of this " untoward incident," Turkey broke off diplomatic relations with the three powers concerned, and on the 10th of December Mahmud, giving full vent to his rage, issued a hatt-i-sherif denouncing the cruelty and perfidy of the Christian powers, declaring the convention of Akkerman null and void, and summoning the faithful to a holy war.   [Please select]


My nephew, not only aiding and abetting these ruffians, but seeking to palliate their crimes.   [Please select]


The latter was very humble, acknowledged his error, and made no attempt to palliate it.   [Please select]


I palliate, I do not justify, the conduct of the students.   [Please select]

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pallia - palliate - palliated