The Kalmucks and Circassians of the Kuban attacked it repeatedly in the r 7th century, so that it had to be fortified by a strong earthen and palisaded wall, traces of which are still visible. [Please select]
Another martinet gravely informed the colonial authorities that, as a protection against Indian attacks "all the seigneuries should be palisaded." [Please select]
Clasping Tibo close to her side, she was hurrying away toward the palisaded village of Mbonga, the chief. [Please select]
One day he hovered above the palisaded village of Mbonga, the chief, the jet cannibal of the jungle primeval. [Please select]
Late in November, Rogers and his men in their whaleboats appeared before the little palisaded town of Detroit. [Please select]
Before them once more rose Jamestown, palisaded now, and riding before it the three ships. [Please select]
While they had been gone their comrades had built a palisaded fort beside the little river where the ships lay moored. [Please select]
They are very cautious, for a bright moon lights up the blockhouses and the palisaded fort. [Please select]
The "towns" were of the fewest and rudest--little more than small palisaded hamlets, built of frame or log, poised near the water of the river James. [Please select]
[523] We believe that these _castella_ were palisaded redoubts having a recess attached, similar to the wooden blockhouses represented on the Trajan Column; often even these recesses alone composed the _castellum_. [Please select]
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