Sentence example with the word 'pageantry'


blazon, cyclorama, display, exhibition, fanfaronade, flourish, manifestation, phantasmagoria, sham, sight, staginess

Definition n. a rich and spectacular ceremony

Last update: June 29, 2015


Much more pageantry followed the marriage.   [Please select]


The server-men had lawn and lace And crimson pageantry, And boys were in their best, and girls Wore kerchiefs bright to see.   [Please select]


Certainly the dance that followed would have been difficult to surpass even in the ripe days and motherlands of pageantry.   [Please select]


It was an exhibition in which pageantry and music predominated, but in which dialogue was introduced as accompaniment or explanation.   [Please select]


Poetical imagination might have evoked a piece of sad pageantry--starving times, massacres, quarrels, executions, cruel and unusual punishments, gliding Indians.   [Please select]


Rome loved pageantry; it filled its eyes before its belly, which was nine-tenths of the secret of the Caesar's power.   [Please select]


Here is human life, no doubt, and a brilliant pageantry it is; but human life as varied and as problematic as it is in the living.   [Please select]


But the pageantry of Versailles was a poor antidote to the sorrows which bowed his head to the ground, except on those great public occasions when his pride triumphed over his grief.   [Please select]

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