Sentence example with the word 'pagan'


allotheist, bibliolatrous, faithless, hoodwinked, ill-educated, misinformed, paganistic, unbelieving, uncultured, unlearned, unstudious

Definition adj. not acknowledging the God of Christianity and Judaism and Islam

Last update: October 20, 2015


Only his superb strategy and the heroic devotion of his lieutenants - notably the converted Jew, Jan Samuel Chrzanowski, who held the Ottoman army at bay for eleven days behind the walls of Trembowla - enabled the king to remove "the pagan yoke from our shoulders"; and he returned to be crowned at Cracow on the 14th of February 1676.   [Please select]


Explain the Christian elements in this pagan epic.   [Please select]


What did he mean by such a pagan idea.   [Please select]


You would describe yourself as a mere pagan philosopher, I said.   [Please select]


Pagan mythology was giving battle to Christian mythology.   [Please select]


I say that Classicalism began, wherever civilization began, with Pagan Faith.   [Please select]


"'Tis not by that pagan's advice that you divest yourself of house and land."'   [Please select]


That last pagan king of Ireland Cormac in the schoolpoem choked himself at Sletty southward of the Boyne.   [Please select]


The monotheistic worship of the sun alone is certainly the highest form of pagan religion, but Akhunaten saw further than this.   [Please select]


Of late pagan and early Christian Egypt very much that is new has been discovered during the last few years.   [Please select]


, which exist even at the present day, owe their origin to this very ancient pagan source.   [Please select]

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paeans - pagan - paganise