Sentence example with the word 'paeans'


Last update: July 28, 2015


The most famous paeans are those of Bacchylides and Pindar.   [Please select]


Meanwhile, ye sons of Greece, in triumph bring The corpse of Hector, and your paeans sing.   [Please select]


It was Christmas, and all over the Christian world arose paeans of praise for the birth of the Saviour.   [Please select]


His triumphal odes are paeans, in which piety breaks out in expressions of the deepest awe and the most elevated sentiments of moral wisdom.   [Please select]


Albert had proclaimed his triumph at home, of course, had exhibited his check, had been the recipient of hugs and praises from his grandmother and had listened to paeans and hallelujahs from Mrs.   [Please select]

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paean - paeans - pagan