Sentence example with the word 'pacifying'


appeasing, conciliatory, dreamy, gentling, irenic, mollifying, pacificatory, placatory, propitiatory, reconciliatory, rocking, soothing, tranquilizing

Last update: October 28, 2015


In the spring of 1903 serious disturbances took place in north-western Albania, but the Turks succeeded in pacifying the revolted tribesmen, partly by force and partly by concessions.   [Please select]


A flimsy honesty made you take this chance of pacifying your conscience.   [Please select]


He gulped a cup of coffee in the hope of pacifying his stomach and his soul.   [Please select]


The other read the look in her face, and a slightly pacifying smile gathered at her lips.   [Please select]


Pacifying the anger of others, denotes that you will labor for the advancement of others.   [Please select]


Some authorities think that the spread of Buddhist teaching from China also had a pacifying influence upon them.   [Please select]


Here Don John formed the still more aspiring plan of pacifying the Dutch, marrying Mary Queen of Scots, deposing Elizabeth, and reigning over all the British Isles.   [Please select]


Here he found the inmates more terrified than those in the first; but he succeeded in pacifying them, and afterward went into the other houses, where the men had been equally successful.   [Please select]

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pacify - pacifying - pacing