Sentence example with the word 'pacification'


abatement, blunting, cooling-off period, diminution, hollow truce, letup, modulation, pax in bello, relaxation, stand-down, tranquilization

Definition n. the act of appeasing someone or causing someone to be more favorably inclined

Last update: July 16, 2015


For the peace of the country the pacification of the warring groups is necessary.   [Please select]


On the advice of the prince of Orange the states-general refused to receive him as governor-general unless he accepted the " Pacification of Ghent."   [Please select]


'Well, well,' replied the Jew, with an attempt at pacification; 'and, if you have, it's your living.'   [Please select]


We propose to give terms of pacification which we think fair and equitable.   [Please select]


Having thus ratified the preliminaries of the general treaty of pacification, the envoy retired to adjust with Mr.   [Please select]


The pacification continues, and the islands are freed from a rebellion and insurrection conspired between Manila and Pampanga chiefs.   [Please select]


He requested men and supplies in order to continue the pacification of the other islands.   [Please select]


He continued the conversion and pacification of the islands with great wisdom, valor, and system, and governed them.   [Please select]

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pacifically - pacification - pacifications