Sentence example with the word 'ovipositing'


Last update: July 29, 2015


It is believed that from the nature of the cell in which she is ovipositing, the queen derives a reflex impulse to lay the appropriate egg - fertilized in the queen or worker cell, unfertilized in the drone cell, as previously mentioned.   [Please select]


244) we have seen ovipositing in the early spring, in the eggs of the Canker-worm.   [Please select]


The Hyphantria textor now lays its smooth, spherical eggs in broad patches on the under side of the leaves of the apple, which the caterpillar will ravage in August; and its ally, the Halesidota caryƦ, we have found ovipositing the last week in the month on the leaves of the butternut.   [Please select]

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oviposit - ovipositing - oviposition