Sentence example with the word 'overside'


Definition adv. over the side of a boat

Last update: October 12, 2015


Nothing was visible an oar's length overside but shifting cloudy shapes that bulked obscurely in the fog.   [Please select]


All hands were overside, clinging to the edge of the submerged craft, while Exploding Eggs and I bailed for our lives.   [Please select]


He ordered us overside eight at a time, and me in the first boat with the first eight.   [Please select]


In half a minute all except Harvey, Penn, and the cook were overside and away.   [Please select]


So the boys came overside as rather uncanny heroes, and every one asked them questions instead of pounding them for making trouble.   [Please select]


I judged he weighed about two hundred and eighty pounds, but Coutlass yanked him in like a fish coming overside.   [Please select]

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overshot - overside - oversight