Sentence example with the word 'overclean'


Last update: October 15, 2015


The house, with its bare, unplastered log walls, was not overclean--it did not seem that those living in it aimed at keeping it spotless--but neither was it noticeably neglected.   [Please select]


In his red shirt and coarse breeches, and brown, not overclean skin, he certainly didn't look much like a gentleman in the conventional sense of that term.   [Please select]


He felt the touch on his sleeves of hard brown, not overclean hands, infinitely tender and caressing; and over there, as though she had never gone, was Sara Lee, slightly flushed and very radiant.   [Please select]


The house, with its bare, unplastered log walls, was not overcleanit did not seem that those living in it aimed at keeping it spotlessbut neither was it noticeably neglected.   [Please select]

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overcivilized - overclean - overcloud