Sentence example with the word 'outworn'


abandoned, antique, dead, disused, gone out, obsolescent, old-fashioned, out of style, outdated, past, relinquished, retired, superannuated

Last update: June 11, 2015


That is an outworn practice in management circles.   [Please select]


In many most important respects no two men could be more unlike; but, for the present, Carlyle seems to have seen in Goethe a proof that it was possible to reject outworn dogmas without sinking into materialism.   [Please select]


To Froude it appeared as if the disturbed state of the country were an emblem of distracted Churches and outworn creeds.   [Please select]


This Old World, small and outworn, no more of it for me.   [Please select]


Come away from a position where only an outworn old ideal holds you to futility and waste.   [Please select]


Her gowns, beautiful beyond all she had ever imagined, were of no more interest to her than a drawerful of outworn gloves.   [Please select]


The simile is outworn, but it was exactly as though some invisible scythe had mown them down.   [Please select]


He had insisted upon gazing at the universe through the coloured glasses of an outworn theology, instead of using his own eyes.   [Please select]


No alert American can visit any foreign country without noting innumerable examples of stupid adherence to outworn and cumbrous methods in industry, commerce, and transportation.   [Please select]

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outworks - outworn - outwrestle