Sentence example with the word 'outweighing'


Last update: October 21, 2015


Certain it is that though the unprejudiced must admit that exclusion has not been at all an unmixed blessing, yet the consensus of opinion is that a large population, non-citizen and non-assimilable, sending - it is said - most of their earnings to China, living in the main meanly at best, and practically without wives, children or homes, is socially and economically a menace outweighing the undoubted convenience of cheaper (and frequently more trustworthy) menial labour than the other population affords.   [Please select]


(O words of love the heart remembereth, O mighty loss outweighing every gain.)   [Please select]


Horses, to the trooper of the Valley, were as horses in the ten years' war at Troy--the prized spoil of battle, the valued trophies, utilities outweighing all filagree spoil.   [Please select]


This is noticeable in the building of small, detached houses at a distance from the main villages, the greater convenience to crops, flocks and water outweighing the defensive motive.   [Please select]

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outweighed - outweighing - outweighs