Its front rested on Staten Island and Long Island, whose surface features, and a part of whose area, are due to the deposits along the ice front, including terminal moraines and outwash gravel plains. [Please select]
Rainier, along the glacial outwash train of Nisqualli Glacier, to the moraine and outwash apron of the Vashon Glacier and thence to the Olympics. [Please select]
Pleistocene deposits in the Big Blue Basin in Kansas consist of alluvium, glacial till, and glacial outwash from the Kansan glacial stage, overlain by loess deposits of Wisconsin and Recent stages (Frye and Leonard, 1952: pl.) [Please select]
, August 8, 1952), which is the most southern body of water in the canyon south of Lake Peters, several pectoral sandpipers were feeding along the edge of the lake and on the alluvium outwash below James Robert Glacier. [Please select]
On alluvial outwash at the southwest end of Lake Schrader (July 27, 1952) a male and female parasitic jaeger defended their territory by diving at us. [Please select]
It was caught in a mouse trap on an alluvial outwash at the mouth of a canyon in a willow community in which some willows were as high as nine feet. [Please select]
On the alluvial outwash, between Lake Peters and Lake Schrader, two Smith's longspurs were recorded on July 24, 1952, and flocks of 11-16-18-20 were seen there in the damp meadows on August 13, 1952. [Please select]
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