Sentence example with the word 'outskirt'


Definition n. a part of the city far removed from the center

Last update: August 5, 2015


Males of the Argyopidae hang on the outskirt s of the webs of the females and signal their presence to her by jerking the radial threads in a peculiar manner.   [Please select]


Young Donald, in his homespun tartan, stood on the outskirt of the little crowd that surrounded her, listening.   [Please select]


I don't know that the arts have a milieu here, any of them; they're more like a very thinly settled outskirt.'   [Please select]


Jack's first success was the obtaining of a situation as clerk in the store of a general merchant in an outskirt settlement of Canada.   [Please select]


Thereafter, Jack went to Quebec, where he was joined by Teddy O'Donel, with whom he found his way to the outskirt settlements of the far west.'   [Please select]

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outskate - outskirt - outskirts