Sentence example with the word 'outrival'


Definition v. be more of a rival than

Last update: June 28, 2015


It is possible that specimens of such long-lived species as Lecidea geographica actually outrival in longevity the oldest trees.   [Please select]


Other young fellows, that wanted to outrival their companions, had to wait a fortnight for the new medicine to be made.   [Please select]


In total tonnage engaged and in the matter of armament and complement it will outrival even the victory of Nelson at Trafalgar and the defeat of the Spanish Armada.   [Please select]


In Michigan (Bay City) thirty-five years ago the wasters used to boast that Bay City was going to outrival New York City in size, intellect, money wealth, social standing, etc.   [Please select]

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outright - outrival - outrivaled