Sentence example with the word 'outlier'


Definition n. a person who lives away from his place of work

Last update: July 31, 2015


On the east side in like manner the Monte Gargano (3465 ft.), a detached limestone mass which projects in a bold spur-like promontory into the Adriatic, forming the only break in the otherwise uniform coast-line of Italy on that sea, though separated from the great body of the Apennines by a considerable interval of low country, may be considered as merely an outlier from the central mass.   [Please select]


To the north its place is taken by the Adirondacks, which are an outlier of the great Laurentian area of Canada.   [Please select]


"Eat," said Akela, rising up from the meat Mowgli had brought him, and the Outlier flung himself on it.   [Please select]


Even the Striped One, remember----" "Thou art indeed an Outlier," Mowgli called back; "but we will speak when the dholes are dead.   [Please select]


It was Won-tolla, the Outlier, and he said never a word, but continued his horrible sport beside the dholes.   [Please select]


The fact that the outlier and the plateau are separated by the low strip of the Mohawk Valley makes this the one place where the highly complex Appalachian system can easily be crossed.   [Please select]


Iron from that outlier of the Laurentian highland which forms the peninsula of northern Michigan can easily be brought by water almost to the center of the prairie region.   [Please select]

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outlie - outlier - outliers