Sentence example with the word 'outlawry'


anarchy, criminalism, depluming, discard, disposition, excommunication, fugitation, lawlessness, outlawing, rustication, transportation

Definition n. illegality as a consequence of unlawful acts

Last update: July 16, 2015


As in every western city, particularly those in mining regions whose sites attained speculative values, Denver had grave problems with " squatters " or " landjumpers "in her early years; and there was the usual gambling and outlawry, sometimes extra-legally repressed by vigilantes.   [Please select]


These buildings are not architecture, but outlawry, and their authors criminals in the true sense of the word.   [Please select]


It is romance which lures men to lead wild lives of outlawry and crime.   [Please select]


I do not mean to deny that we have outlawry and brigandage; they are merely the most violent demonstrations of La Mafia.   [Please select]


I could hear the punchers discussing the raid, finally each of them telling exploits of his favorite heroes of outlawry.   [Please select]


Finally the Senate, conscious of Pompey's support, ordered him to lay down his arms on pain of outlawry.   [Please select]


These midnight hours were fateful ones to Jurgis; in them was the beginning of his rebellion, of his outlawry and his unbelief.   [Please select]

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outlawing - outlawry - outlaws