Sentence example with the word 'outfitting'


Definition n. the act of renovating and fitting out a ship

Last update: August 31, 2015


It early became a trading centre of importance, well known as an outfitting point for miners and other emigrants to the Rocky Mountain region and the Pacific coast.   [Please select]


"Well, after I get my share for outfitting the venture," replied Mr.   [Please select]


The officer called one of his aides, and the work of outfitting the erstwhile Cossack began.   [Please select]


CHAPTER IX VOYAGING TO YÜN-NAN We had a busy week in Hongkong outfitting for our trip to Yün-nan.   [Please select]


We would draw the line at murdering even Schillingschen, but must help ourselves to his outfit as our only chance of re-outfitting without betraying our presence in British East.   [Please select]


, the pearl of companions, and we began the campaign by outfitting at San Diego, with a view to exploring the resources of the sister republic in the peninsula of Lower California.   [Please select]

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outfitters - outfitting - outflank