Sentence example with the word 'outcroppings'


Last update: July 30, 2015


When the rocks are concealed by detrital material he looks for outcroppings on steep hillsides, on the crests of hills or ridges, in the beds of streams, in landslides, in the roots of overturned trees, and in wells, quarries, roadcuttings and other excavations.   [Please select]


Woods, rocky outcroppings and bare ground were not used regularly by voles.   [Please select]


He was of better class than the woman, and underlying his assumption of crudity there were occasional outcroppings of some cultural background.   [Please select]


Beyond this depression the land sloped rather abruptly; outcroppings of rock circled along the edge of the highest ground, and again a dark fringe of trees appeared.   [Please select]


Black spruce slopes and green pines and white streaks of aspens and lacy waterfall of foam and dark outcroppings of rock--these colors and forms greeted her gaze with all the old enchantment.   [Please select]

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outcropping - outcroppings - outcrops