Sentence example with the word 'osteitis'


Definition n. inflammation of a bone as a consequence of infection or trauma or degeneration

Last update: October 26, 2015


There are conditions in which we have an abnormal increase in the tissue elements but which strictly should not be defined as hypertrophies, such as new-growths, abnormal enlargements of bones and organs due to syphilis, tuberculosis, osteitis deformans, acromegaly, myxoedema, &c. The enormously long teeth sometimes found in rodents also are not due to hypertrophy, as they are normally endowed with rapid growth to compensate for the constant and rapid attrition which takes place from the opposed teeth.   [Please select]


The latter affection frequently involves the bones, and for this reason the pastern is the most frequent seat of osteitis.   [Please select]


Inflammation of the compact structure of bones (osteitis) may be either acute or chronic, and may involve the whole extent of the bone affected or may be confined to only a portion of it.   [Please select]

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