Sentence example with the word 'osprey'


Definition n. large harmless hawk found worldwide that feeds on fish and builds a bulky nest often occupied for years

Last update: July 13, 2015


The golden eagle, bald-headed eagle, osprey and a large variety of hawks are common in Canada, as are the snowy owl, the horned owl and others inhabiting northern climates.   [Please select]


He wore a white turban decked by a plume of osprey attached by a jewelled clasp.   [Please select]


Ocelot, 69 _Opisthocomi_, 250 Opossum, 247 Orang-utan, 3, 12-17 _Orca gladiator_, 161 Organist tanager, 273 _Ornithorhynchidæ_, 249 _Oryginæ_, 207 Osprey, 311 Ostrich, 250, 328, 329 _Otaridæ_, 152 Otter, 140, 141, 142 Ounce, 43, 201 Oven bird, 283 Owl, 304, 313 Ox, 162, 206, 207, 209 P.   [Please select]


COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME Page 364 Osprey Pandion haliaëtus carolinensis 129 Family ALUCONDIDÆ.   [Please select]


The egret and heron plumes, known under the trade name of "osprey, etc."   [Please select]


Those engaged in the trade resort to the mean trick of calling the plumes "Osprey plumes."   [Please select]


Thus, the osprey, which feeds almost exclusively on fish, is merely a winter visitor to India.   [Please select]

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