Sentence example with the word 'originates'


Last update: July 2, 2015


The cap has a narrow dependent margin or frill, as shown at G, and in section at x; this dependent frill originates in the rupture of a delicate continuous wrapper, which in the infancy of the mushroom entirely wraps the young plant; it is shown in its continuous state at j, and at the moment of rupture at K.   [Please select]


When human beings come into contact with each other, there originates a state of things in which something is _thought_ and _done.   [Please select]


"There originates a mutual intercourse of the soul and God as between an I and a Thou."   [Please select]


Each radial mark originates opposite one of the peripheral marks of the areola.   [Please select]


It serves to prove that property, which originates in violence, results in waste.   [Please select]


For the most part the formation of cataract takes place slowly, the cases in which it originates very quickly being but few.   [Please select]


From one of them originates the mental state which, under certain regulations, leads to volition, or to our willing a certain act.   [Please select]

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originated - originates - originating