Sentence example with the word 'ordaining'


Last update: November 2, 2015


To contain the, uh, coaching being done, the Original Beings are ordaining a new god to act as a sort of referee here on earth who will have the ability to bridge the physical and divine worlds.   [Please select]


[18] [Illustration: A BISHOP ORDAINING A PRIEST From an English manuscript of the twelfth century.   [Please select]


You adopted the proposal I made to you of ordaining ten days of prayers.   [Please select]


For, by your own argument, we should otherwise he committing a sin if we did not find out the most saintly men and set them to silver-chiselling instead of ordaining them bishops and archbishops.   [Please select]


The communal life, ordaining celibacy, based on industry, and constructed in the strictest economy, achieved material prosperity and evidently brought spiritual consolation to those who committed themselves to its isolation.   [Please select]

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ordained - ordaining - ordainment