Sentence example with the word 'orang'


Definition n. large long-armed ape of Borneo and Sumatra having arboreal habits

Last update: September 12, 2015


Till recently these apes have been generally included in the same family (Simiidae) with the chimpanzee, gorilla and orang-utan, but they are now regarded by several naturalists as representing a family by themselves - the Hylobatidae.   [Please select]


To dream of an orang-utang, denotes that some person is falsely using your influence to further selfish schemes.   [Please select]


In locomotion the orang disdains the earth and perambulates the vernal terraces of the forest trees.   [Please select]


Wallace, "to watch a mias (orang-utan) making his way leisurely through a forest."   [Please select]


My next informant was Orang Kayo or chief of the Balow Dyaks on the Simunjou River.   [Please select]


Buffon thus describes an orang-utan that he saw: "His aspect was melancholy, his deportment grave, his movements regular, and his disposition gentle."   [Please select]


Ocelot, 69 _Opisthocomi_, 250 Opossum, 247 Orang-utan, 3, 12-17 _Orca gladiator_, 161 Organist tanager, 273 _Ornithorhynchidæ_, 249 _Oryginæ_, 207 Osprey, 311 Ostrich, 250, 328, 329 _Otaridæ_, 152 Otter, 140, 141, 142 Ounce, 43, 201 Oven bird, 283 Owl, 304, 313 Ox, 162, 206, 207, 209 P.   [Please select]


The collection of animals which Doctor Hamilton placed at my disposal consisted of ten monkeys and one orang utan.   [Please select]


A well-known traveller relates a circumstance concerning the orang-otang in its wild state, which is indicative of very considerable powers, both of reflection and invention.   [Please select]


"I think it is an orang-outang," remarked Phil, "and he would make short work of us if he came down."   [Please select]

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orally - orang - orange