Based on their talents, they'll have options to work with the Guardians, depending on what their skills are. [Please select]
YOU deal in Corners, Options, Concessions, Syndicates. [Please select]
"Now," he said, "I am satisfied that, working very carefully, we can secure options on every acre of the four thousand." [Please select]
Options under seal are held open in equity on the basis of the seal alone. [Please select]
"I must get to town and arrange to close up those options and organize the Buffalo Lake Summer Colony." [Please select]
To obtain the options, to tie up one man's land without letting his neighbor know, had been an unusual strain on Babbitt. [Please select]
"And I have options on all the stock you placed in Chicago." [Please select]
The next day some of us gathered in Dickinson's office and decided that Grierson should go ahead and get the options. [Please select]
"I hear somebody has been getting options on that tract of land beyond the Heights, on the river." [Please select]
Within eight miles of the place, for instance, the man fell ill--the man who was to take up Hale's options--and he had to be taken home. [Please select]
Yet he was taken completely by surprise, for he did not know that Neergard had gone ahead and secured options on his own responsibility--which practically amounted to a violation of the truce between them. [Please select]
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