Sentence example with the word 'occultist'


Definition n. a believer in occultism

Last update: October 24, 2015


"Is it true that your father is a big occultist, one of the biggest there is."   [Please select]


Oh, I know he didn't say anything about his occultist treatment, if that's what you mean.   [Please select]


The scientist recognizes it now and then and here and there, but the occultist trusts it always and utterly.   [Please select]


This physical plane law of Balance shows itself for the most part on the human plane as the law of Compensation, whereby, to the vision of the occultist, all accounts are "squared," so to speak.   [Please select]


To dream that you listen to the teachings of an occultist, denotes that you will strive to elevate others to a higher plane of justice and forbearance.   [Please select]

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