Sentence example with the word 'obtuseness'


Definition n. the quality of being slow to understand

Last update: January 1, 2016


Had this man been endowed with the slightest capacity for perceiving the feelings of others, and had he at all understood what Pierre's feelings were, the latter would probably have left him, but the man's animated obtuseness to everything other than himself disarmed Pierre.   [adjective]


She would have driven me wild with her sighs and her obtuseness and her everlasting pink-and-whiteness.   [Please select]


Some of it was addressed to his fate and some of it to the vulgar mercantile coarseness and obtuseness of other people.   [Please select]


The simple, sweet-tempered obtuseness of her tone was an infuriating thing to him.   [Please select]


His career as boss was marked by much political cleverness and caution and by an equal degree of moral obtuseness.   [Please select]


Jervis what she wanted her to know, though it left her obtuseness without any sense of Veronica's mysterious quality.   [Please select]


But what a queer mixture of shrewdness and obtuseness, and how marvellously it worked out to the furtherance of our plans.   [Please select]

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obtusely - obtuseness - obtusenesses