Sentence example with the word 'obturator'


Definition n. a prosthesis used to close an opening

Last update: September 24, 2015


The shaft of the pubis runs parallel with that of the ischium, with which it is connected by a short ligamentous or bony bridge; this cuts off from the long incisura pubo-ischiadica a proximal portion, the foramen obturatum, for the passage of the obturator nerve.   [Please select]


The dorsal part arises directly from the ischium along the dorsal edge of the obturator foramen.   [Please select]


The larger ventral part arises directly from the anterior and ventral edges of the obturator foramen.   [Please select]


The obturator-notch is sometimes, as in many tumblers, less developed than in the rock-pigeon.   [Please select]


The obturator notch is also much less elongated in some skeletons than in others.   [Please select]


The obturator-notch is sometimes, as in many Tumblers, less developed than in the rock-pigeon.   [Please select]


1, Cotyloid cavity; 2, ilium; 3, iliac crest; 4, anterior iliac crest; 5, posterior iliac spine; 6, pubis; 7, tuberosity of the ischium; 8, obturator foramen; 9, ischiadic spine.   [Please select]


1, Ilium; 2, ischium; 3, pubis; 4, inferior extremity of the pubis; 5, sciatic foramen; 6, oval foramen, homologous to the obturator; 7, coccygeal vertebræ.   [Please select]


Anteriorly the fibers converge and form a strong tendon that passes through the obturator foramen and inserts on the posterolateral surface of the trochanter of the femur.   [Please select]


The origin is from the anterior and ventral edges of the obturator foramen and the insertion is on the trochanter of the femur immediately distal and posterior to the insertion of the _m.   [Please select]

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obtunding - obturator - obtuse