Sentence example with the word 'obtrusively'


Definition adv. in an obtrusive manner

Last update: June 19, 2015


The other men dropped their shovels and tools, and edged up, not obtrusively, but so as to overhear everything.   [Please select]


He did not wear the miniature of his father obtrusively round his neck.   [Please select]


That day, Sunday, was our anniversary, and the Lord was with us early and late, though not obtrusively.   [Please select]


Then up a narrow, obtrusively clean stairway to the upper floor.   [Please select]


With this youth he formed a sincere friendship, and although the subject of religion was never obtrusively thrust upon him by young Tregarthen, it entered so obviously into all his thoughts, and shone so clearly in his words and conduct, that Oliver's heart was touched, and he received impressions at that time which never left him.   [Please select]


Paul's; obtrusively Occidental, crowned by a very large cross.'   [Please select]

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