Sentence example with the word 'obstructive'


choking, counterproductive, dissentient, hindersome, interrupting, obstructing, proof against, refractory, repressive, restrictive, strangling, unsubmissive

Definition adj. preventing movement

Last update: July 24, 2015


His obstructive behaviour did not disturb her.   [Please select]


(b) The obstructive use made by the local authorities of their power to veto underground wayleaves.   [Please select]


We shall meet Longstreet again, in the same character of obstructive subordinate, at Gettysburg.   [Please select]


Trees of three and four inches diameter were run against and snapped off like twigs, without proving in any degree obstructive.   [Please select]


Commerce between the States as well as with foreign nations was discouraged and rendered precarious by variant and obstructive local regulations.   [Please select]


Sometimes a king struggles against narrow and obstructive priesthoods; sometimes priesthoods uphold the standards of civilization against savage, egotistical, or reactionary kings.   [Please select]


The people are obstructive--that is conservative--in most things, and need plenty of time.   [Please select]


Arbuthnot, while she wistfully mothered the obstructive Scrap at tea, felt too that she had had a curious day.   [Please select]


But nobody thought of staying away--except the obstructive cousin who had nearly prevented the match.   [Please select]


"Will you look with favour upon the proposal to enter the Councils and to carry on either obstructive tactics or to decline to take the oath of allegiance consistent with your non-co-operation."   [Please select]


A bridge with arches was talked of, but this was considered likely to be obstructive to the navigation of the strait, therefore another plan was demanded.   [Please select]

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obstructions - obstructive - obstructiveness