Although these and other phenomena cannot yet be safely placed in a historical frame, the methodical labours of past scholars have shed much light upon the obscurities of the exilic and post-exilic ages, and one must await the more comprehensive study of the two or three centuries which are of the first importance for biblical history and theology. [Please select]
The total eclipses of a half century have cleared up a few obscurities, and added many perplexities. [Please select]
He had no obscurities, and the spirit of his Lays was patriotic and ardent, showing his love of liberty. [Please select]
Write, not, "_unparalleled_ complications," but "_unprecedented_ complications;" and "_he threw light on_ obscurities," instead of "_he unravelled_ obscurities." [Please select]
In Natural Philosophy, what intricacies, what obscurities, what contradictions hath the belief of Matter led men into. [Please select]
Through the marshy obscurities of his humiliation his conscience was building a path. [Please select]
The obscurities of early Greek poets arose necessarily out of the state of language and logic which existed in their age. [Please select]
Browning writes of him on this occasion that he is paying 'peculiar attention to the objections made against certain obscurities.' [Please select]
Dodo, dodging swaying bodies and arms extended in swimming gestures, found the center aisle, and her eyes acquiring more vision, began to explore the obscurities. [Please select]
I do not know what internal difficulties, contradictions, or ominous obscurities may exist in the new theories, or what logical seeds of change, perhaps of radical change, might be discovered there by a competent critic. [Please select]
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