On the problem of evil and sin it is impossible here to enter; but this must be insisted on, that the miracles of Jesus at least express divine benevolence just under those conditions in which the course of nature obscures it, and are therefore, proper elements in a revelation of grace, of which nature cannot give any evidence. [Please select]
"If it rains, all the better, for it obscures the sea." [Please select]
To number them, however, obscures the fact that for nearly two hundred years Europe and Asia were engaged in almost constant warfare. [Please select]
How many times the curtain obscures our sight, even when we are on the very threshold of discovery. [Please select]
And it is only such a supplementation that obscures their abstractness. [Please select]
In the aloofness of his meditation he escapes the cloud of opinion and prejudice that obscures the vision of the common man. [Please select]
Damage to the sphenoidal fissure, which occurred prior to preservation, obscures its relationship to the optic foramen. [Please select]
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