Sentence example with the word 'obligated'


affianced, beholden, bound, chargeable, contracted, guaranteed, intended, obliged, plighted, saddled, under obligation

Definition adj. caused by law or conscience to follow a certain course

Last update: September 26, 2015


He felt obligated to marry his cousin for property.   [Please select]


One question was answered: Darkyn was obligated to protect her in some way.   [Please select]


Julia and I feel deeply obligated to you for your prompt and cordial action, without which we might have been seriously embarrassed.   [Please select]


"I'm obligated for the words of praise about my daughter, Miss."'   [Please select]


Should significant new information or factors not considered in this opinion arise, however, either we or NPS are obligated to reinitiate consultation.   [Please select]


I'd like to know who it is that I'm so much obligated to.'   [Please select]


"Why, then, I guess, I'd have to kick you in public till you were obligated to fight."   [Please select]


You will not be obligated in any way by authorizing me to act as your agent--I'm getting my fee from Mrs.'   [Please select]


He feels himself obligated to you for returning to Port Agnew--" "Did The Laird send you here to adjust these financial details with me, Mr.   [Please select]


I'm obligated too by what you says with respect to the pastry; but, Doctor, it ain't in mortal woman to stand a chit of a child being put over her.'   [Please select]

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obligate - obligated - obligating