801 and 802) and on the 23rd of August there was a sacrifice to him together with Ops Opifera and the Nymphae, which suggests the need of water in quenching the flames. [Please select]
"By the Nymphae." [Please select]
"By the Nymphae, yes." [Please select]
Hesperidés autem nymphae erant quaedam fórmá praestantissimá, quae in terrá longinquá habitábant, et quibus aurea quaedam póma á Iúnóne commissa erant. [Please select]
Nymphae autem quae fontem colébant, cum iuvenem vídissent, eí persuádére cónátae sunt ut sécum manéret; et cum ille negáret sé hóc factúrum esse, puerum ví abstulérunt. [Please select]
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