Sentence example with the word 'nurtures'


Last update: September 4, 2015


Julie has greater needs which Molly nurtures while Molly's needs are supported by my wife.   [Please select]


That which nurtures health, and that which generates sickness, are more closely allied than we are willing to allow.   [Please select]


When the sacramentalist goes swimming in the sea he enjoys to the full the attendant physical exhilaration, but a greater joy flows from the thought that he is back with his great Sea-Mother--that feminine principle of which the sea is the perfect symbol, since water brings all things to birth and nurtures them.   [Please select]


Northern Michigan was turned into a sugar-beet farm, and most of the unfortunates who counted on making Bay City outrival New York are now of the very dust that nurtures the present-day material that their offspring exists upon.   [Please select]

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nurturer - nurtures - nurturing