Sentence example with the word 'nurserymen'


Last update: September 22, 2015


This spawn may be obtained from old pastures, or decayed mushroom beds, and is purchased from nurserymen in the form of bricks charged with the mycelium, and technically known as mushroom spawn.   [Please select]


The "roguing," as nurserymen call the destroying of varieties which depart from their type, is a kind of selection.   [Please select]


Other nurserymen had been before him; shrubberies and orchards were already being set out.   [Please select]


The same thing, as I am assured by nurserymen, would take place in our flower-gardens, if the seed of the different varieties were not separately saved.   [Please select]


In France a considerable number of the best pears have been discovered in woods; and this has occurred so frequently, that Poiteau asserts that "improved varieties of our cultivated fruits rarely originate with nurserymen."   [Please select]

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nurseryman - nurserymen - nurses