Sentence example with the word 'numbing'


abatement, anesthetizing, biting, cold as charity, dulling, hibernal, lessening, palliation, remedial, soothing, wintery

Definition adj. causing numbness or insensitivity

Last update: September 29, 2015


Once able to sit upright, the pounding in his head commanded his attention, as well as the bone-numbing chill.   [Please select]


Helen felt the startling realization of being cast upon her own resources, and then a numbing discouragement and loneliness and helplessness.   [Please select]


The eleven-inch hand closed on Harvey's, numbing it to the elbow.   [Please select]


But it filled no empty stomachs, nor dissipated the numbing cold.   [Please select]


In a short time there was a shifting, wonderful, numbing veil streaming silent from the grey heavens.   [Please select]


Then, like a cold wave, surged over her a numbing sense of his position.   [Please select]


He had sustained a certain temporary numbing of the faculties from the blow and his fancy, though vivid now, was vague.   [Please select]


The dull, leaden weight of that numbing burden of inarticulate pain was broken into innumerable fragments.   [Please select]


If he did not regain it soon he never would regain it, that she knew, for she felt her fingers numbing to the strain upon them and slipping, slowly, slowly, from their hold.   [Please select]


South-eastern Europe was again in the throes of social dissolution, and the convulsions continued till they were stilled impartially by the numbing hand of their ultimate author the Turk.   [Please select]

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numbers - numbing - numbingly