Sentence example with the word 'noways'


Last update: September 10, 2015


Not only that, but the subtle insanity of Ahab respecting Moby Dick was noways more significantly manifested than in his superlative sense and shrewdness in foreseeing that, for the present, the hunt should in some way be stripped of that strange imaginative impiousness which naturally invested it; that the full terror of the voyage must be kept withdrawn into the obscure background (for few men's courage is proof against protracted meditation unrelieved by action); that when they stood their long night watches, his officers and men must have some nearer things to think of than Moby Dick.   [Please select]


She may keep you over night, 'n' she may not; I ain't noways sure.   [Please select]


"We are noways doubtful," he wrote, "that there are witches, but have not always been satisfied in the application of their witchcrafts."   [Please select]


"This came somewhat suddent on owld Tom, but he wor noways put out."   [Please select]


An hour or two had passed, when Cato spoke: "Massa Canfield, 'tain't noways likely dat ar Injine will be along afore dark."'   [Please select]


When she saw her ring, and that it was noways injured, she was so amazed that she could hardly believe her eyes.   [Please select]


"I guess," retorted Bagby, "that if the king won't regard the law, he can't expect the rest of us to, noways."   [Please select]

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noway - noways - nowhere