Sentence example with the word 'novitiate'


Definition n. the period during which you are a novice

Last update: June 21, 2015


The old infirmary building is now occupied by St Joseph's College, a commercial academy of the Marist Brotherhood, in connexion with which there is a novitiate for the training of members of the order for missionary service at home or abroad.   [Please select]


At seven o'clock on a morning of September, Sylvia left Elizabeth House to begin her novitiate as a teacher.'   [Please select]


There is no novitiate, no training by habit in the choice of the materials for the nest.   [Please select]


The novitiate has its great joys, but it has its great trials also.   [Please select]


Had not the gods looked with favor, at last, upon his long novitiate, and been pleased with the faith he had kept.   [Please select]


And no doubt during the novitiate he suffered a great deal.   [Please select]


In a few months, or even weeks, they say he will have entered the Jesuit Novitiate.   [Please select]


For the first years of their novitiate, his pupils were not allowed to look upon their master.   [Please select]


In a sense Annie and he were both on their trial, they served their novitiate together, and helped each other to bear and overcome.   [Please select]


When I advised you--180--to let the dog "have plenty of time to make out the bird," I spoke from personal experience, and from a vivid recollection of errors committed in my novitiate.   [Please select]

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novices - novitiate - nowadays