Sentence example with the word 'novelle'


Last update: October 12, 2015


The distinguished Latinists Pietro Bembo (1470-1547) and Jacopo Sadoleto (1477-1547) were papal secretaries, as well as the famous poet Bernardo Accolti (d.1534) Writers of poetry like Vida (1490-1566), Trissino (1478-1550), and Bibbiena (1470-1520), writers of novelle like Bandello, and a hundred other literati of the time were bishops;or papal scriptors or abbreviators, or in other papal employ.   [Please select]


The Thankful Dead episode, where the hero is assisted by the soul of a person whom he has caused to be buried, is found as early as the _Cento novelle antiche_ and Straparola, xi.   [Please select]


De ondervinding, opgedaan met de bekroonde novelle, scheen haar een weg te hebben geopend, die, na een lange reis en het beklimmen van steile bergen, haar naar dit verrukkelijk luchtkasteel zou voeren.   [Please select]

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novella - novelle - novels