Both in and out of church, the few notices remaining which suggest a special tunic for ministers at the Eucharist merely implying that it was not fitting to use for so sacred a function a garment soiled by everyday wear. [Please select]
You fall into that habit, and then who notices or minds. [Please select]
Under the obituary notices they stuck it. [Please select]
They stick up all kinds of notices warning people off. [Please select]
We shall now circulate notices of the reward throughout the country. [Please select]
Duane had heard of such notices, but he had never seen one. [Please select]
Press Agent notices or complimentary comments are absolutely excluded, and those offering to pay for the insertion of names will be prosecuted. [Please select]
Was not averse to press notices and looked with envy on the achievements of the suffragettes in this direction. [Please select]
A tilted writing-shelf against a wall rubbed black and scattered with official notices and army recruiting-posters. [Please select]
To be sure, he notices that none of the costumes fit him properly--he changes and changes. [Please select]
With the exception of the telephone messages or telegrams to relatives and very intimate friends, no other notices are sent out. [Please select]
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