Sentence example with the word 'nitrates'


Last update: November 2, 2015


The formation of nitrites and nitrates from ammonia and its compounds in the soil, was formerly held to be a purely chemical process, until Schloesing and Mintz suggested in 1877 that it was biological.   [Please select]


This country thereupon proceeded to levy an increased duty on the exportation of nitrates from the Atacama region.   [Please select]


The jute nitrates resemble those of cellulose, and are in all essential points nitrates of ligno-cellulose.   [Please select]


Hydrochloric acid has little or no action, but nitric acid has, and forms a series of bodies known as nitrates or nitro-celluloses.   [Please select]


The use of weaker acids results in the formation of collodion- cotton and the lower nitrates generally.   [Please select]


] A whole series of nitrates of cellulose are supposed to exist, the highest member being the hexa-nitrate, and the lowest the mono-nitrate.   [Please select]


14 " " But gun-cotton is now regarded as the hexa-nitrate, and collodion-cotton as a mixture of all the other nitrates.   [Please select]

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nitrated - nitrates - nitrating