He died on the 14th of September and by his orders the words Hic jacet pulvis, cinis, et nihil were put on his tomb. [Please select]
Preston_ 159 Assja _Ivan Tourguéneff_ 368 Aut Diabolus aut Nihil 218 Ballad of Constance _William Winter_ 109 Balzac, Letters of _Henry James, Jr. [Please select]
But you've only to assume that I, too, am a man _et nihil humanum_. [Please select]
_Ex nihilo nihil fit_: for every event there must be a cause. [Please select]
PULVIS ET NIHIL says the inscription, and Powder and Nothing is the ultimate destiny of all king-makers. [Please select]
Á multís mercátóribus quaesíverat quó in locó Hesperidés habitárent, nihil tamen certum reperíre potuerat. [Please select]
Haec locútus Nessus animam efflávit; Déianíra autem nihil malí suspicáta imperáta fécit. [Please select]
At cum saxum animadvertisset quó introitus obstrúctus erat, nihil sibi prófutúrum intelléxit sí Polyphémum interfécisset. [Please select]
Hí tantá ví cecidérunt ut mágnum numerum Ligurum occíderint; ipse tamen Herculés (ut in tálibus rébus accidere cónsuévit) nihil incommodí cépit. [Please select]
At Aeétés cum vidéret taurós nihil contrá Iásonem valére, mágnopere mírátus est; nesciébat enim fíliam suam auxilium eí dedisse. [Please select]
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