Sentence example with the word 'nestles'


Last update: October 27, 2015


The picturesque situation of Amber at the mouth of a rocky mountain gorge, in which nestles a lovely lake, has attracted the admiration of all travellers, including Jacquemont and Heber.   [Please select]


Like a sleeping babe in its mother's lap, nestles this tiny lakelet babe in the mountains.   [Please select]


Between the two nestles the Spider, short-legged, clad in sombre garments, with five yellow favours on her back.   [Please select]


The village of Georgetown nestles in a deep pocket of the mountains.   [Please select]


So she nestles an' sighs and stares at the moon again.'   [Please select]


Golden-haired Jojo, at his mother's knee, Nestles each night his baby prayer to say: "Bless papa and mamma."   [Please select]


He doesn't fuss or bite, Just nestles closely up to me And lays there still all night.   [Please select]


On one occasion Field accompanied the Denver Press Club on a pleasure trip to Manitou, a summer resort that nestles in a caƱon at the base of Mount Rosa.   [Please select]


And then suddenly, to his astonishment, she threw both her arms round his neck, and, like a child that nestles to another in penitence or for protection, she kissed his breast passionately, repeatedly.   [Please select]

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nestled - nestles - nestling