The creek where the whippoorwills nested, the rolling hills of wild flowers, and the soothing sound of meadow larks - they were all the sights and sounds of a happy childhood. [Please select]
Two pairs of Song Sparrows and less than six pairs of marsh wrens nested on the study area. [Please select]
NESTS I found the nests of all eight pairs of Seaside Sparrows which nested on the Lavallette study island in 1955. [Please select]
Ye may also have heard of the Chersonesan pirates, nested up in the Euxine; none bolder, by the Bacchae. [Please select]
The half-fledged birds nested in the ear of the great bust out on the Memphian sands know nearly as much as you. [Please select]
It was a wild spot, a ravine, through which ran a stream, where many wood-birds sang and nested. [Please select]
Van Tyne and Sutton (1937:28) remarked that it nested in Brewster County, Texas. [Please select]
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